St Teresa Of Avila The Book of Her Foundations Study Guide
Regular price $ 22.95The Book of Her Foundations:
Study Edition
Teresa of Avila
Translated by Kieran Kavanaugh, OCD
and Otilio Rodriguez, OCD;
Prepared by Marc Foley, OCD
The Book of Her Foundations is the least read, the least quoted, the least known of St. Teresa's works. Why this is so is probably because people do not think it is a spiritual book. But as you read on, you find that St. Teresa grew in holiness, not in spite of obstacles such as being entangled in lawsuits, mired down in disputes over dowries, tied up in interminable bureaucratic red-tape, and having to deal with unscrupulous businessmen, but because of these difficulties. None of these challenges impeded her spiritual growth. This study guide will help us to see how Teresa grew in holiness in the marketplace as much as in the cloister, perhaps even more so. None of us has been called to found convents, but like Teresa all of us are called to practice virtue and grow in holiness within the fray of daily life.