Vespers And Compline

Vespers And Compline

Regular price $ 18.99

The complete Office of Sunday Vespers and Compline in Gregorian chant

The great bell of Solesmes calls the listener to the complete Office of Sunday Vespers and Compline on this exquisite chant recording. Includes Gregorian antiphons, psalms, hymns and the Angelus.

Sunday Vespers
     Track 1-Tolling of the Bell
     Track 2-Antiphon and Psalm 109
     Track 3-Antiphon and Psalm 110
     Track 4-Antiphon and Psalm 111
     Track 5-Antiphon and Psalm 112
     Track 6-Reading and Brief Response
     Track 7-Hymn and Versicle
     Track 8-Antiphon     Si Offers and Magnificat Canticle
     Track 9-Litany and chanting of Our Father
     Track 10-Collect and Conclusion
     Track 11-Ringing of the Bells
     Track 12-Introduction
     Track 13-Psalm 4
     Track 14-Psalm 90
     Track 15-Psalm 133
     Track 16-Hymn
     Track 17-Conclusion
     Track 18-Antiphon     Salve Regina
     Track 19-Chiming of the Angelus

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