For the Sake of Our Salvation
Regular price $ 34.95For the Sake of Our Salvation: The Truth and Humility of God’s Word
For the Sake of Our Salvation features an all-star lineup tackling one of the most controversial and important subjects in biblical scholarship—the inspiration and truth of Sacred Scripture. What does it mean to say that Scripture is the Word of God? Are there errors in Scripture? These are some of the questions addressed in important new works by Scott Hahn, Brant Pitre, Pablo Gadenz, Michael Waldstein, John Betz, and Germain Grisez. The widespread erosion in the assumption that Scripture is the true Word of God forms the broader context for the articles and studies in this volume. The work presented in these pages is no ivory tower exercise. It is no exaggeration to say that at stake in this discussion is the future of the identity of the Church and the mission of the Word Incarnate. If the Scriptures cannot be trusted to communicate the truth about God and his saving message, if they do not bring us to the encounter with the living God who speaks his Word, then it must be asked: what is the meaning and purpose of the Church?
Editor, Scott W. Hahn
The Mystery of God’s Word: Inspiration, Inerrancy, and the Interpretation of Scripture
Brant Pitre
Magisterial Teaching on the Inspiration and Truth of Scripture: Precedents and Prospects
Pablo T. Gadenz
Analogia Verbi: The Truth of Scripture in Rudolph Bultmann and Raymond Brown
Michael Maria Waldstein
Glory(ing) in the Humility of the Word: The Kenotic Form of Revelation in J. G. Hamann
John R. Betz
The Inspiration and Inerrancy of Scripture
Germain Grisez
The Interpenetration of Inspiration and Inerrancy as a Hermeneutic for Catholic Exegesis
Joseph C. Atkinson
Restricted Inerrancy and the “Hermeneutic Of Discontinuity
Brian W. Harrison, O. S.
Communal or Social Inspiration: A Catholic Critique
Robert Fastiggi
The Modernist Crisis and the Shifting of Catholic Views on Biblical Inspiration
Jeffrey L. Morrow
The Inspiration of Scripture: A Status Quaestionis
Matthew Levering
Divinely Inspired for Teaching Truth and Refuting Error: A Catena of Catholic Sources
Essays by: Thomas J. McGovern • J. H. Crehan, S. J. • Thomas F. Stransky, C. S. P. • Peter Paul Zerafa, O. P. • Augustin Cardinal Bea, S. J. • Paul Cardinal Taguchi • Romano Guardini