St. Clare of Assisi Shining Light Doll
Regular price $ 13.99Meet St. Clare of Assisi!
St. Clare of Assisi (August 11th) - Patron of: television, eye disease, laundry, goldsmiths, bicycle messengers
"We become what we love and who we love shapes what we become" -St. Clare of Assisi
St. Clare of Assisi was one of the first followers and lifelong friend of the great St. Francis of Assisi, and became a great Saint in her own right! St. Clare was the founder of the first female order of Franciscans, the Poor Clares. Like the men, the women lived lives of radical gospel poverty. She was known for her deep prayer life and was consulted on spiritual matters by many- including cardinals, bishops and popes! St. Clare is depicted in art holding the Blessed Sacrament because she once held a monstrance containing the Eucharist out her monastery window to stop an invading army!
Teach your children what true wealth is! Introduce the story of St. Clare of Assisi using the educational insert in the box. Encourage children to consider what it means to live relying on God alone. A person that has a relationship with Jesus is "rich". St. Francis and St. Clare lived lives of radical poverty in imitation of Christ- believing that God would provide them with all their needs. Do we fully trust God to provide for us, or is our hope placed elsewhere? St. Clare teaches us that when we are in trouble, or even just in a regular daily life, we should turn to Jesus for help. When faced with invaders Jesus told Clare to "trust him"- let us also teach our children to trust Him! St. Clare is a great saint to introduce and teach the concepts of gospel poverty, storing wealth in heaven vs. on earth, and trusting in God's providence.
Key Features:
- Brings the Saints to life in your child’s heart and imagination through developmentally healthy open-ended play
- Grows with your child; safe for babies and toddlers, and continues to engage preschool and school age children with imaginative play centered around the “characters” of their Faith.
- Exceeds safety requirements for children of all ages- including those under 3
- Every doll comes in a beautiful collectible quality box, complete with educational insert full of fun facts!
- Slightly over 3.5” tall
- Nothing to break or lose! Durable, lightweight, single piece construction.
Plant the seeds of a lifelong faith with everyone's favorite Catholic saint toys!