Harrowing of Hades (XVIc) Resurrection Icon (Athos) 5x5"

Harrowing of Hades (XVIc) Resurrection Icon (Athos) 5x5"

Regular price $ 35.00

The Harrowing of Hades is the icon most often used to represent the Resurrection of Christ: the Feast of Feasts, Pascha (Easter). In this scene, Christ is seen coming out of the dark pit of Hades, bringing with Him all of the righteous Old Testament saints. The Lord is pulling Adam and Eve out, having smashed the gates that kept them captive. This is the great and universal triumph of life over death, light over darkness. It is an exact depiction of the Orthodox paschal hymn, "Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death, and upon those in the tombs bestowing life!"


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