Everyday Catholics Guide To The Liturgy Of The Hours by Sockey, Daria
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You don't live in a cloister or a monastery, but you take your prayer life seriously and want to explore ways to pray regularly and better. The Liturgy of the Hours, aka Divine Office, is one of those ways--and according to the Catholic Church, one of the very best. Long considered the sole territory of priests and religious, the digital revolution has made the Liturgy of the Hours accessible to everyone. But for those of us who find it a little intimidating, Daria Sockey provides a solid overview to this ancient prayer practice. The Everyday Catholic's Guide to the Liturgy of the Hours will answer questions like:
- What is the history of the Liturgy of the Hours?
- How can the Liturgy of the Hours fit into a busy schedule?
- Why is the Liturgy of the Hours relevant today?
- Print or digital berviaries: Which is better?
There is a rhythm of prayer, not just throughout the day, but throughout the year. Sockey explores the spiritual riches of the seasons, the saints, and special feast days, which add depth and variety to prayer. She also addresses the concept of praying with the words of Sacred Scripture--particularly the psalms-- and helps the reader to appreciate the universal beauty of these ancient biblical prayers.
Don't let concerns about "what page am I supposed to be on?" scare you away. Sockey will be your guide to answer common questions and overcome common fears. Your prayer life will never be the same!